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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why Is October Breast Cancer Month?

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is held every October to raise awareness of the disease and raise money for research. One of the major goals is to encourage women to self-check for early detection of breast cancer.
It was founded in 1985 by AstraZeneca, a drug company that makes the drugs Armidex and Tamoxifen, both used to fight breast cancer.
One of the reasons October was chosen is that the first Race for the Cure was held then in 1983. Eight hundred people took part in Dallas, Texas. Today, more than a million people take part in the annual race.
The Estee Lauder Company created the pink ribbon as a breast cancer awareness symbol in 1993.

Wear pink and celebrate the courage and memory of those who lost the battle and support those who are never giving up.

Buy and wear this heart to honor hope and love.